Burton Ultraviolet Woods Exam Lamp Light w/ White and UV Bulbs

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For Physician's Offices, Emergency Rooms, and Outpatient Facilities. BurtonTM UV Lights are universally accepted for diagnosing disease and injuries to the skin and eye, including detection of corneal scratches, foreign bodies in the eye, blocked tear ducts, fungus infections, Erythasma, Tinea Vesicolor, Vitiligo, Scabies and Microsporium Canis. These units are also used in forensics and crime scene investigations. Burton has been recognized as the leader in medical lighting in the United States for over thirty years by manufacturing and designing products that meet ISO 9001 standards and surpass the expectations of the evolving medical industry.

Ultraviolet (Woods) Features:
- Portable, hand-held lights for maximum flexibility
- Optically ground and polished magnifier lens with 3 power magnification and focal length of 8"
- Includes 2 White and 2 UV Bulbs
- 115V model standard; 110V, 220V, 240V models also available
- Made in the U.S.A.
- 3-year warranty