This trike is not only the child's first wheels to adventure but it helps them develop the skills to learn balance and steering so that they will be ready to ride a bicycle. Stage 1 is a tricycle where the child learns to use pedals and steer. Stage 2 the outer two wheels are moved to the interior for the first balance bike stage giving the child additional balance while they learn to steer and lean, the skills needed to learn how to steer a two wheel bicycle. Finally Stage 3 removes one of the rear wheels from the rear of the EVOLVE to enhance the child's balancing skills. If you have any questions regarding this item please give us a call (800)355-2956.
YBIKE Evolve features:
- Recommended ages 18mo. to 5 years
- Kid powered - no batteries just pedal & foot power
- Durable frame and modular design grows with the child's ability & development
- Maximum weight 110 lbs.
YBIKE Evolve features:
- Recommended ages 18mo. to 5 years
- Kid powered - no batteries just pedal & foot power
- Durable frame and modular design grows with the child's ability & development
- Maximum weight 110 lbs.