Tuttnauer 3870M Autoclave M Series Sterilizer

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The Manual Autoclave is an affordable sterilizer for private clinics that do not want to compromise on quality, safety and reliability. Tuttnauer manual autoclaves are an effortless Plug n' Play solution. After installation, the sterilizer is virtually maintenance free with reduced running costs. This is a professional grade sterilizer and is perfect for all General Medical, Dental, Chiropody, Veterniary, Laboratory Tattooing, Body Piercing, Health, Manicure, Pedicure and Cosmetic applications. We have these autoclaves in stock and it will ship out the same day your payment is received. The Tuttnauer manual autoclave is designed to compliment any healthcare facility. The bright new easy to use panel was designed with the operator in mind. Our 3870M autoclave will satisfy all of your sterilization needs without compromising on quality, safety or reliability. Please e-mail or call me at (701)223-9936 or Toll Free (800)355-2956 with any questions or concerns you may have about using this clinical grade autoclave. 

- Tuttnauer Manual Autoclaves last longer
- Durable components significantly reduce maintenance expenses
- Ease of use eliminates the need for specialized staff to operate sterilizer
- Heat insulation and quiet operation for pleasant office environment
- Durable 316L type stainless steel chamber and door with electro-polish finish
- Double locking safety device prevents door from opening while chamber is pressurized
- Pressure activated lock prevents door from opening if chamber is pressurized
- Door failure protection prevents door from opening at high pressure
- Automatic safety shutoff prevents overheating
- Insufficient water detector with automatic shutoff
- 1 year parts and labor warranty.