Sonic Boom Original Alarm Clock

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The Sonic Boom Alarm Clock is a unique clock that is guaranteed to wake up even the heaviest sleepers. When the alarm goes off, the user can select to wake up to any combination of loud pulsating audio alarm, flashing lights, or shaking bed (vibrator sold separately). The vibrator can produce steady or pulsating vibration pattern for maximum effectiveness. Our patented adjustable volume and tone controls allows you to select the best sound combination to wake you up. The clock display also has an adjustable viewing angle with large, bright green LED numbers for easy viewing. It also has a battery back up for power outages (9 volt battery not included).

The clock has a built in receiver to pick up transmissions from other Sonic Alert signalers. This patented feature eliminates the need for separate receivers in your bedroom to alert you to your baby's crying, doorbell or telephone. There is also a test button on the unit to explore which combination of flashing lights, shaking bed or loud pulsating audio alarm will work best for you.

Super Shaker Bed Vibrator SS 12V:
This Super Shaker Bed Vibrator is placed under a pillow or between a mattress and box springs. The powerful vibrations are guaranteed to wake up extremely heavy sleepers. A built-in temperature sensor protects the unit against overheating. The Super Shaker SS 12V Bed Vibrator is designed to be plugged into the vibrator outlet on the back of the Sonic BoomTM Alarm Clock.