PowerLung SPORT Breathing Active Series Trainer Power Lung

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PowerLung Active Series Blue Sport Strength Breathing Training Device w/ 5-Year Warranty. The PowerLung Active Series and has taken on a new shape and emphasis. The PowerLung Active Series Sport model was the initial PowerLung product and is still the leading training product for any athlete or competitor interested in adding the most essential component – breathing – to their training program. Since then, the PowerLung Active Series has expanded to meet the goals of all types of active people. PowerLung is still the only commercially available product to train inhale and exhale breathing. This model provides a serious workout at a high level of resistance. The PowerLung Active Series Sport offers users the optimum in isolated threshold resistance strength training. If you have any questions about this product, please give us a call (701)223-9936 or Toll Free (800)355-2956.


The PowerLung Active Series Sport model is the training tool to help you improve your current racing and competition performance. You train regularly and understand the benefit more oxygen can give to your performance. PowerLung Sport is the product you can add to your training program to help you get the edge or move beyond a plateau. If you are an advanced free or scuba diver you will enjoy the additional breath control achieved by strengthening your respiratory muscles with PowerLung Sport training. Studies show respiratory muscle training can lower heart rate, lower blood lactate and reduce the breathless feeling that can limit your training intensity and competition performance.

What makes PowerLung different from the other products? The most important difference is PowerLung is the ONLY product available that will improve the muscles that support your lungs for BOTH inhaling AND exhaling all in the same breath. Other products believe that you should only focus on improving your inhaling, but studies have proven that exhaling is just as vital as inhaling. Why should you focus on one and neglect the other? That is like a swimmer focusing only on his arms but not training his legs. Training both is very essential for a swimmer to perform well. PowerLung is the ONLY product in existence that will improve both your inhaling and exhaling.

PowerLung has separate controls for inhale and exhale allow you to independently set it specifically to your training program. Other products also use an out of date method that constricts or restricts the airflow passage as you breathe through them. This is the equivalent of breathing through different sized straws. Why pay for something that you can get free? PowerLung is the ONLY product in existence that uses the same type of method used in lifting weights. Even those who are not athletic or perform high intensity activities can enjoy the benefits of using PowerLung.