Elmasonic Elma Tec Clean A1 10 Liter Ultrasonic Cleaning Solution

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Elma tec clean A1 should be diluted to 3-10% with water before use. For example, a 2.5-liter bottle dilutes with water to 15 gallons of 5% solution for PCB cleaning. Tec clean A1 is formulated to be easily and thoroughly rinsed off with water, leaving no chemical residue after rinsing with distilled or deionized water. The mildly alkaline solution can be used over and over until it begins to lose effectiveness. The frequency with which you need to change the solution depends on how often you clean and the amount of contamination being removed from parts. Tec clean A1 is water-based and biodegradable; check your local regulations for disposal guidelines. Please e-mail or call us at (701)223-9936 with any questions.

- Flux
- Oil
- Dust
- Water damage
- Coffee
- Tea
- Cola
- Fingerprints

Elma tec clean A1 Electronics and PCB Ultrasonic Cleaner Solution
- What it is: highly concentrated ultrasonic cleaning solution
- What it cleans: PCBs, mother boards, electronic parts, fine optics and plastics
- What it removes: water damage, water-soluble flux, oil, grease, fingerprints, dust, coffee, tea, cola, milk

Why you should use Elma tec clean A1
- Fast and efficient
- Easy to use
- Safe for delicate parts, safe to handle, biodegradable
- Free rinsing - leaves behind no chemical residue after rinsing with water
- Cost effective